Why Education Opens the Door to Equality

  • Beliefs need to change

    Not that long ago it was widely believed women did not deserve an education. It was considered a waste of money. Women were and continue to be seen as less important and valuable than men.

  • Sometimes it's Small Things

    Something as simple as a lack of sanitary napkins forces girls to drop out of school
Sadly this is still true in many areas of the world. Women on the Frontlines is committed to helping women achieve their goals through education. 

  • Empowerment Begins with Education

    Whether their situation is domestic abuse, unplanned pregnancies, sexual harassment, or any other unexpected crisis, we are committed to building resources and mentorship to deal with the causes behind the crisis.

  • Knowledge leads to Powerful Choices

    In addition to funding academic education, we have taken a stand at Women on the Frontlines to empower women through educating them on their rights and options. Too many women have been forced to make choices without having knowledge of the paths open to them. 
We want to offer women the support they need to make positive powerful decisions.

  • We Believe in Women in ministry

    We are the first generation of women who have taken roles as leads pastors in churches and as itinerant ministers and heads of charities. So as women we are having to navigate systems and roles in the church that have only been open to men. We have a dream to start a WOFL leadership academy to help equip women to serve with excellence in ministry.

  • Personal Development Opens Doors

    Many women carry dreams without having the knowledge or opportunity to get them off the ground. Through our in-person and online coaching events, we are bringing women together to help them gain the skills they need to succeed in their place of influence whether that is in the marketplace, the church, the family or any other realm that we are called to influence in.