Our Team

The story of how Amplify came to be + some highlights along the way.


Apostolic Advisors


In 2013, the community Service Council developed Tulsa Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy to address the critical issue of our high teen birth rate in Tulsa Country. Our organisation officially incorporated in August 2014 and obtained 501(c) 3 status in 2015.

The mission of Tulsa Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy was to equip the community with strategies to reduce teen pregnancy for the purpose of improving the health and economic well-being for all.

Tulsa Campaign was developed as the backbone organisation for teen pregnancy prevetion work in Tulsa.

Partnering with organisations working on youth health by providing support, organisation and training for the implementation and expansion of sex education.


Tulsa Campaign focused on four main areas: Education, Health, Initiatives, Public Awareness, and Data and Research. Tulsa Campaign and partners were successful in expanding sex education within Tulsa Public School, developing and evaluating teen friendly clinics, increasing awareness on issues affecting youth health, and used public perception polling and national and state data to influence the direction of teen pregnancy prevention in Tulsa.


Our work is powered from the generosity of our donors. Become an WOFL Advocate. Empowered Women. Healthy Communities. Vibrant Futures.