Our Story

The story of how Amplify came to be + some highlights along the way.


Our Story

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Women on the Frontlines was the dream child of James Goll and his late wife Michal Ann Goll. Together they desired to gather women trail-blazers of the faith to impart the life and power of Christ into an emerging generation of women who would change the world. Founded in 1997, Women on the Frontlines is more than a conference, it has become a place of rich spiritual encounter that has left thousands of men and women’s lives transformed forever. After the passing of Michal Ann Goll into her eternal inheritance, James Goll invited Patricia King to oversee the vision. After hosting five WOFL events in Phoenix the baton was officially passed to Patricia King of Patricia King Ministries as overseer with James Goll remaining as the Founder and Advisor. In 2019 Patricia King commissioned Wendy Peter as the new director for Women on the Frontlines Global. Since then we have continued to expand the vision with project HOPE for WOMEN, which empowers women to make a difference in the lives of other women around the world.

The mission of Tulsa Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy was to equip the community with strategies to reduce teen pregnancy for the purpose of improving the health and economic well-being for all.

Tulsa Campaign was developed as the backbone organisation for teen pregnancy prevetion work in Tulsa.

Partnering with organisations working on youth health by providing support, organisation and training for the implementation and expansion of sex education.


Tulsa Campaign focused on four main areas: Education, Health, Initiatives, Public Awareness, and Data and Research. Tulsa Campaign and partners were successful in expanding sex education within Tulsa Public School, developing and evaluating teen friendly clinics, increasing awareness on issues affecting youth health, and used public perception polling and national and state data to influence the direction of teen pregnancy prevention in Tulsa.

Tulsa Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy created a new strategic plan for 2018 - 2020.



A New Plan

Utilizing feedback from 50+ community partners, we found consensus in the need of a new brand for our organization. While our former name clearly donated the purpose of our organization, it was outdated in the way it portrayed our work and could potentially shame someone who experienced teen pregnancy. We needed a new brand that conveyed our mission without excluding any of the communities we serve.


A New Vision

We knew we couldn’t make these changes on our own. We invited community partners to one of many round-table discussions as we made critical decisions about where our organization would go and what it should look like.

Our partners joined us in a collaborative naming session, mission and vision brainstorm, and supported us through the entire process of developing our new identity. our new brand needed to effectively convey a true collective impact model which could highlight the diverse communities we work with.





The official launch of Amplify.

Showcasing a vibrant new brand, expanding the influence of our work, and implementing innovative approaches to meet the needs of our partners and community through advocacy, collaboration, and education.


Promoting healthy futures for youth through advocacy, collaboration, and education.


Informed Youth. Healthy Communities. Vibrant Futures.


Our work is powered from the generosity of our donors. become an Amplify Advocate. Informed Youth. Health Communities. Vibrant Futures.